Gryphon's Nest fESTIVALS are a great way to connect with Pagans from all over the Gulf Coast! If you're interested in teaching, vending, or volunteering at any upcoming festivals, visit the contact us page and send us a message!
We need excellent teachers who are passionate about their craft. We've had classes on crystals, herbalism, flute-playing, astrology, belly dancing, drumming, Kabbalah, shape shifting, archetypes, Reiki, energy transfer, etc.
Vendors are becoming popular at our local events. Vending gives people a chance to see what local witchcraft and Pagan wares are like. Small businesses are great for our economy and our growing Pagan community. We love to support local Pagans, and vendors add allure to all major events.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our events. There are many volunteer positions available (putting toilet paper in the privies, trash disposal, fire building, etc.). There are limited spaces available, so first come first serve.